1/29/2025 .... The points from this weekend's first district race in Havasu are now available. 

12/22/2024 ... Next year's schedule and updated district rules have now been uploaded to the website for review. Individual proposal resultsfrom the district meeting held are viewable here along with notes on any updates that were made during the meeting.  

11/21/2024 ... Reminder: District 19 Meeting and Banquet – 2024 Registration:
If you are planning to attend our 2024 District 19 Meeting and Banquet, please be sure to enter your registration this week at www.namba.com (RES). The NAMBA portal will be closing this Sunday, 11/24/2024, at 2:00 PM for our annual year-end rollover. The portal will reopen on 12/1/2024.
Please note, if you wish to register after 12/1/2024, you will need to renew your NAMBA membership first.
For any issues with the hotel’s group code, please contact the hotel directly at 702-298-5111 and provide them with the group code GRNAM24. I look forward to seeing you at the event.
Safe travels!
Richard Romero

11/14/2014 ... The proposals for review and voting on at our year-end meeting are now available.

​11/11/204 ... Year-end Meeting and Banquet Information:
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, December 14th, 2024, at the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin, Nevada. The meeting will be held in the Gemini rooms from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or until all business has been discussed. Happy hour and dinner will take place in the Gemini rooms. Happy Hour starts at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. and the award presentation. After the award ceremony, we will have our White Elephant Gift Exchange. If you wish to participate, please bring a wrapped gift valued at $30.00 or less.
Room Information:
We have 25 rooms available on Friday and Saturday. Friday's rate is $78.00, with a $21.00 resort fee + tax, and Saturday’s rate is $89.00, with a $21.00 resort fee + tax.  Use Group Code GRNAM24 when reserving your rooms. The cut-off date is Friday, November 29, 2024, which is (14) fourteen days before the arrival date.
To sign up:
- Please go to our NAMBA Race Entry System @ www.namba.com
- When entering the meeting, please use the following - District 19 Meeting (No Charge) for a single person. If you bring another NAMBA member, use “District 19 Meeting Additional Person (No Charge)”.
- When entering the banquet, please use the following - “Awards Dinner” for a single person. If you're bringing a guest, use “A Second Banquet Ticket”. Use “A Third Banquet Ticket” for a third guest. Use “A Fourth Banquet Ticket” for a fourth guest.
- Each dinner ticket costs $50.00 per plate. A charge will appear for your meeting entries upon entry, but there is no charge for the meeting itself. Please understand meal tickets will not be sold at the event.

11/11/2024... The year-end points have been updated to include the summary by driver showing, added to the end of the points by class listing. 

​10/29/2024 ... Reminder: Proposals for this year's year-end meeting are due this Friday. Please send any proposals that you'd like to have reviewed and voted on to Richard Romero. 

10/28/2024 .... The points from this weekend's final district race in Tucson are now available, congratulations to all of this year's winners. 

​8/29/2024 .... The points from the district heat race held on August 17-18 are now available for review. 

7/23/2024 .... The following proposal that has been submitted for review and voting on at the next district heat race on August 17th after racing on Saturday. If it passes it will be forwarded to NAMBA for voting on by the full membership with the next Propwash, so no change will take effect within the district related to this this season.  

​​7/16/2024  .... The points from last weekend's district heat race at Legg Lake are now available. 

​6/18/2024 .... It’s with great sadness that we report the passing of Bill Koster. Bill has been an avid modeler since the 60’s and was a staple in lake Havasu’s Cracker Box class with many years of R&D and designs of his own built laser kits that are still being run today.

6/13/2024 ....  STOLEN BOATS ALERT:
Kevin Mohr had 2 RC boats stolen from his truck Sunday morning June 9th.  His truck was parked in front of his home, and he was getting ready head to the D19 heat race at Legg Lake. The boats stolen include a Gen3 Insane Cat with a yellow/orange wrap and an all white Insane Synergy Mono. Both boats had GZR 30+ motors, all electronics and hardware ready-to-run. If you hear of anyone trying to sell these boats please contact Kevin at 661-478-8309.

​​6/12/2024  .... The points from last weekend's district heat race at Legg Lake are now available. 

5/8/2024 .... The points from last weekend's district heat race in Las Vegas are now available. 

​4/14/2024 .... Following up on the passing of Kim Grim, please see information on the Celebration of Life ceremonies that they will be having in her honor. 

4/13/2024 .... The points from last weekend's district heat race in Tucson are now available. 

4/12/2024 .... It is with great sadness that we report on the passing of Kim Grim. Mark and Kim were regular fixtures at Legg Lake for several decades, putting on numerous races over the years and managing relations with the parks department on many of the improvements we enjoy today at the site. No matter what was going on Kim would always have a smile on her face, even when she served as our District Director for a term. Even though Kim and Mark moved to Alabama a few years back, they will always be part of the District 19 family and our hearts go out to their family while they try to make sense of her sudden passing.  

3/19/2024 .... Its with a heavy heart that we share the news of the passing of Pam Forrest last week, mother and grandmother to Shane and Cole Forrest. She was a long time member of the Las Vegas Mini Mariners during the 80’s and 90’s with her husband Joel, prior to them moving to Lake Havasu several years ago where she continued to come out to cheer on her boys during races.  

​3/10/2024 .... The points from last weekend's district heat race at Legg Lake are now available. 

2/1/2024 ... The points from last weekend's first district heat race are now available.

1/23/2024 .... This weekend’s heat sheets are now available at https://namba19.liverc.com/
What a great way to start our 2024 race season with 61 drivers and 211 boats! See you there!

1/5/2024 .... If you have entered or you are going to enter the D19 Race #1 at Lake Havasu City on www.rcracingevents.com, please text Lenny at 602-918-0499 or email rumracing@cox.net to update your Transponder Numbers to class of boats they are in. We will have transponders for sale at the race. Sign up today!

12/28/2023 .... The first race of 2024 is posted on www.rcracingevents.com Lets get signed up and kick off 2024 with a huge turnout in Lake Havasu!  Additional data can been found on the Race Info page as well.

12/13/2023 ... Next year's schedule and updated district rules have now been uploaded to the website for review. Individual proposal results from the district meeting held are viewable here along with notes on any updates that were made during the meeting.  

11/20/2023 .... For those planning to attend the year end meeting and/or banquet on December 9th:
We will close the entry portal for this year’s banquet and meeting Wednesday November 22 @ 10pm. If you are having issues signing up, you can text me your information @520-631-8656. All entries must be in before the deadline. 
Our White Elephant Gift Exchange will be held after the award ceremony with Russ Stark on the mic. Let’s make this one the largest yet. If you wish to participate, please bring a wrapped gift with a value of $30.00 or less.

11/14/2023 .... The proposals for review/voting on at our year end meeting next month are now available. 

11/5/2023 .... Banquet News! If you plan to attend our year-end meeting or banquet, please go to www.namba.com and sign up on the Race Entry System. If you will be attending both, please sign up for both.
See you all soon.

10/26/2023 ... Year-end Meeting and Banquet Information
- This year’s event will be held on December 9th, 2023, at the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin, NV. See flyer for hotel information.
- Our meeting will begin at 10am to 2pm or until all business has been discussed. The meeting will be held in the Gemini 2 room. Happy hour will begin at 6pm with dinner starting at 7pm and our award presentation to follow in the Gemini 1 room.
- Our White Elephant Gift Exchange will be held after the award ceremony with Russ Stark on the mic. Let’s make this one the largest yet. If you wish to participate, please bring a wrapped gift with a value of $30.00 or less. Thank you, Russ!
- Please remember that all rule proposals must be sent to the District Director before November 1st, 2023. Proposals will be posted on the district web site by November 15th to allow ample time for voting members to review prior to the meeting.
Please email your proposals to Richard @dpbaz.com 

7/21/2023 .... The points have been updated to include the results by racer at the end of the report. 

7/19/2023 .... The points from this weekend's 7th district race held at Legg Lake are now available. 

6/12/2023 .... The points from this weekend's 6th district race held at Legg Lake are now available. 

​​​6/6/2023 .... It is with great sadness that we report the lose of another long time racer Jerry Wright, who passed away last week. Jerry lived and raced mainly in District 7 but raced with us in District 19 many times over the years and was a dear friend to many of us. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends during this hard time. 

​5/23/2023 .... The points from this weekend's fifth district race held at Legg Lake are now available. 

4/2/2023 .... The points from this weekend's fourth district race held in Tucson are now available. 

3/26/2023 .... For those planning on attending next weekend's race in Tucson but have not yet entered: 
The rcracingevents site has been down. Please text or email your entry info to Karl Morse@ 520-360-6187 or wildtrio@aol.com. Please provide the following information: NAME, NAMBA #, PHONE #, and CLASSES. We will close entries tonight at 10pm.

3/14/2023 ... Points from this weekend's heat race in Las Vegas are now available. Our fourth heat race of 2023 is now posted on RCRACINGEVENTS.COM, details can also be seen on the Race Info page here. It's less than three weeks away so lets get signed up and we will see you in Tucson! 

​2/24/2023 .... For those planning to go to the Las Vegas race in March:
Brian Bounds was able to extend our group rates to March 6th. If you need a room please give them your business. It helps us secure this hotel for future races. Rooms are in high demand due to a concert and the NCAA basketball tournament. Please get your rooms quickly! See you in Vegas!
Hotel Information:
La Quinta 6560 Surry Street Las Vegas 702-518-5955
$159.00 per night plus tax. Use booking code CGN191

2/22/2023 ... Points from this weekend's second heat race of the season are now available. Our third heat race of 2023 is now posted on RCRACINGEVENTS.COM, details can also be seen on the Race Info page here. It's just three weeks away so lets get signed up and we will see you in Vegas! 

2/4/2023 .... Found this in the archives from the Legg Lake Time Capsule that we opened back in 2014 and thought I'd share. Video production that was put together of a race held at Magic Mountain back in 1988. 

1/30/2023 ... Points from this weekend's first heat race of the season are now available. Our second heat race of 2023 is now posted on RCRACINGEVENTS.COM, details can also be seen on the Race Info page here. It's just three weeks away so lets get signed up and we will see you in Tucson! 

12/20/2022 ... Our  Lake Havasu race is posted on rcracingevents.com (listed as District 19 Heat Race 1). Details can also be seen on the Race Info page here. Lets get signed up for the first race of 2023! Happy Holidays to you all.

12/19/2022 ... 
Next year's schedule and updated district rules have now been uploaded to the website for review. Individual proposal results from the district meeting held are viewable here along with notes on any updates that were made during the meeting.  

12/4/2022 .... Banquet update:
- Our White Elephant Gift Exchange is going to happen this year! Russ is feeling much better, and he's agreed to be our master of ceremonies for this event. If you wish to participate, please bring a wrapped gift with a value of $30.00 or less. Thank you Russ!
- Please remember COVID is still with us and as we all know it’s on the rise again. If you have any signs of COVID or you don’t feel well, please be responsible and mindful of your fellow members and stay home. If you’re not comfortable being close to other members during our meeting, we will do our best to accommodate you.
See you next weekend!

11/25/2022 .... MEETING / BANQUET UPDATE!
Today is the cutoff date to get a room for this year’s meeting/banquet!  As of today:
- We have 12 rooms reserved with three available at the discounted rate.
- We have 37 attending the meeting and 48 signed up for the banquet.
- We have 75 meals reserved; I will be lowering that number this Monday November 28th.
If you plan on attending this year’s event, please sign up on RCRacingEvents.com. I know many of you are attending, but have not signed up, please do so ASAP.. We want to make sure we can plan for those attending!
See you there.

11/15/2022 .... The "event" for our Year-end Meeting and Banquet is now posted on RCRacingEvents.com . We apologize for the delay, we ran into some technical issues. Please go out and sign-up if you plan on attending so we can get a head count on rooms, meeting, and banquet attendance.

They have set up the block of rooms for our meeting/banquet for Friday, December 9th – Sunday, December 11th at Harrah's. Please use the reservation weblink below to make reservations and note the cutoff date to make reservations is Friday, November 25th. When making the reservation, the guest will need to select both their arrival and departure dates and press “update”.
We have 5 upgraded rooms available in the South Tower which are an additional $30 Friday and $20 on Saturday evening. For those, please make your reservation using the above link (for the Central Tower) and add a note requesting a room in the South Tower and they will upgrade it on their end. 

​11/13/2022 .... The proposals submitted for review/voting on at our year end meeting next month are now available.  

​11/10/2022 .... IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding our Year-end Meeting and Banquet:
We will be moving our meeting and banquet from the Aquarius Casino to Harrah’s Laughlin Casino. If you already have rooms at the Aquarius, please call 1-800-858-0004 to cancel. You will not be charged for the cancellation.

We will have rooms available on the South Tower for $99.00 (classic room) or the North Tower for $139.00 Friday/ $129 Saturday night (remodeled room). A discount link will be available by Monday 11/14. It will be posted on our website, Facebook and RCracingevents.

I will be posting our meeting/banquet on rcracingevents.com to get a head count on rooms, meeting, and banquet attendance. If you are planning to attend, please make sure to sign up on RCracingevents as soon as possible. Since this is a new venue for us, we need to provide them with the proper headcount.

Our meeting will be Saturday 12/10 from 10am- 2pm in The Showroom.
The banquet will begin in the same room with cocktails at 6pm.
We will be charging $30.00 per banquet guest.

We apologize for the short notice; it was out of our control.

Hotel info:
Harrah’s Laughlin Beach Resort & Casino
Address: 2900 S Casino Dr, Laughlin, NV 89029
Phone: (702) 298-4600

​​10/31/2022 .... Year-end Banquet News!
We have 25 rooms set aside @ $71.00 per night with a $19.00 resort fee. There are two ways to reserve a room and these rates are good for 12/9/2022-12/11/2022. Check in time is 3:00pm and check out is 11:00am.
You can call 1-800-662-5825 and use group code GRNAMBA or you can use this link.
The link only shows two queen beds available, if you require a King bed, please call the reservation desk.
See you there!

10/27/2022 .... Please remember that all year-end proposals must be sent to Richard by November 1st, email your proposals to richard@dpbaz.com. Proposals will be posted on our Facebook page and website November 15th. .

​9/12/2022 .... Points from this weekend’s heat race in Las Vegas are now available. Also included at the end of this file is a summary by driver of all the classes they ran and the results for each. 

8/18/2022 .... Points from this weekend’s heat race at Legg Lake are now available. We have 4 classes that have been decided - congratulations to those winners: Shane Forrest in G-1 Crackerbox, Rylee Hilton in Sportsman Mono, Roger Pane in GX-2 Mono, and Ron Fassl Jr in GX-2 Catamaran. All the rest are up for grabs at the district final in Las Vegas next month, with 5 of them having less than 300 points separating 1st and 2nd place. 

​7/24/2022 .... The points from last weekend's race at Legg Lake are now available. 

6/16/2022 .... The points from last weekend's race at Legg Lake are now available. 

5/19/2022 .... The points from this weekend's race in Tempe are now available. 

​5/2/2022 .... It is with heavy hearts that we learn of the passing of another member of our district 19 family. District 19 model boater Henry Velasco's wife Jo Ann Velasco passed away in early April. There will be a Celebration of Life at Henry's home for those that would like to pay their respects on Saturday, May 14, 2022. The address is 10409 Stonebank St., Bellflower, CA. 90706 and the hours are from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Afterwards, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM everyone is invited to attend dinner at Rosewoods Restaurant, 10769 South St, Cerritos, CA 90703 (562.925.6120). There will be an open bar and you can order dinner off of the open menu.

​​4/6/2022 .... Updates from this weekend:
- The points have been updated to include the results from this weekend's race. 
- The proposals reviewed at the meeting after racing on Saturday both passed as written. The district rules have been updated as needed. 

3/12/2022 ... Sorry for the confusion with the proposals below, there are only 2 proposals to be discussed in Tucson. I had used the year-end document as my template and forgot to remove the extra pages at the end.

3/11/2022 .... The proposals that will be discussed/voted on at the mid-year meeting in Tucson are now available for review. 

3/7/2022 ... Various updates:

- The points from last weekend's race in Las Vegas are now available. 
- There will be a meeting in Tucson after racing on Saturday April 2nd to review/vote on a few proposals, which will be posted in the next few days. The voting will follow the Non Year-End Proposal process.

2/17/2022 ... The points from last weekend's opening race of the season in Havasu are now available. 

2/7/2022 .... All classes listed on RC Racing Events made for our first race of the 2022 District 19 Points Championship. Due to the site being down yesterday we have four manual entries. Eric Bourlet, David Siembor, Ron Fassl and Roger Pane will also be racing with us. We have 42 drivers and 145 boats that will compete in the 16 classes that made. With Covid on the rise, please take the proper precautions to protect you, our members and the public that will be attending our event. I look forward to seeing you all this weekend!

12/21/2021 ... Next year's schedule and updated district rules have now been uploaded to the website for review. Individual proposal results from the district meeting held are viewable here along with notes on any updates that were made during the meeting.  

12/5/2021 .... Year-end Meeting Update:
Due to the low room reservations and no way of gathering a true headcount, we will be canceling our Happy Hour event. Our meeting will begin at 10am with the room reserved till 4pm. This will give us more than enough time to discuss the topics we need to. I look forward to seeing you soon!

11/19/2021 .... District Meeting Update: 
We have 15 rooms secured for Friday night and 20 rooms for Saturday. There will be more rooms available at these prices if needed. Please use the discount code listed on the flyer. If you have any questions or issues with rooms please contact Richard. Hope to see you there

11/18/2021 .... Here are the various proposals that have been submitted for our discussion/voting at year-end meeting. 

11/1/2021 .... Year-end District 19 Meeting Update
We will be having our 2021 Year-End Meeting and Happy Hour Gathering on December 11th, 2021, at the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin, NV. 
- Our meeting will be from 10am-2pm or until all business has been discussed. It will be held in Gemini Room’s 1 and 2. 
- We will also have a Happy Hour gathering in the same two rooms from 6pm- 8ish. We will be providing snacks and a cash bar.
- Our hotel room discount group code will be available later this week.

If you have a new rule proposal or you would l like to revisit one from our partial 2020 racing season, please email your proposals by 11/10/21 to: tracylo@msn.com and richard@dpbaz.com .
Please remember if you submit a proposal, you must be present to present your proposal and answer any questions. I understand 10 days is short notice to submit your proposals, but we had a difficult time securing the rooms, we apologize…

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can call me @ 520-631-8656 or email me at richard@dpbaz.com.
Hope to see you there.

10/23/2021 ... Update regarding our previous post on Bart Dimatteo's passing. Funeral services will be held November 1st at All Souls Mortuary. See mortuary website for additional information: https://www.allsoulsmortuary.org/obituary/bart-dimatteo?fh_id=15304.

10/20/2021 .... Sadly its come to our attention that we've lost another longer term boater from our district - Rodger Reed. Rodger passed away from cancel on 9/4/21. Services will be held on 11/13/21, if anyone would like more information you can reach out to Greg Reed, gregory6060@gmail.com or 928-208-5957. Rodger Reed Obituary (bradburymemorialcenter.com)

10/17/2021 .... We are so sad to hear of the passing of our dear friend and District 19 member Bart Dimatteo. You will be greatly missed. Our prayers go out to his brother and race partner Vince. We all love you Vince! RIP Bart 

6/22/2021 ... Please see update from Richard Romero in regards to racing for the remainder of this year and the upcoming 2022 season. 

5/24/2021 ... The Las Vegas Gas Championship being held June 11th-13th,2021 has been canceled.
The race is being canceled due to an availability issue with the park. Both host clubs tried to work with the park but could only meet at moving the date. As we all know racing in late June or July in Vegas is out of the question, way too hot. We want to thank Outlaw Racing and Sin City Racing for their efforts!
We look forward to seeing you all at the Nationals at Legg Lake this September.
Get your hotel reservations and get signed up!

3/30/2021 ... Message from District Director/ Richard Romero:
2021 District 19 Heat Racing Points Series has been officially canceled due to the following race cancelations.
- Our Tucson Race has been canceled. We could not meet Pima County’s COVID requirements. Our Governor has removed the mask mandate and has opened businesses once again, but our Mayor is not in agreement.
- We have also had to cancel our May Tempe race because we could no longer secure the site. I spoke with the Tucson Model Boat Club to see if they would pick up the May race date, and at this time they feel they will not be able to meet the COVID requirements.
- Our Pahrump race dates have been moved to Sunset Park where Sin City Racing and Outlaw Racing will be putting on a three-day event. It will not be a district points race, but it will be supported by the district.
Let’s support these two clubs ,please sign up and we'll see you in Vegas! (see news item dated 3/18 for more info)

Please understand that our district schedule has a few hurdles we must jump thru every year. Some sites can only be used during certain times of the year, and other sites get way too hot to race at period.
I have looked at multiple race sites and we are currently working on a handful of sites for future races, but none of these sites would have worked in 2021.
As I sit here typing this at midnight, at home for the past week sick (NON- COVID). I think about my fellow members and the families of those who lost someone to this terrible virus. Trust me, I too want to get back to seeing you all and racing, but we need to make sure we can do it safely and within our site’s guidelines.
I know there has been some talk about the current issue we are having at Legg Lake. Please know we are currently working on it and we have made some great progress on getting this resolved.
I look forward to seeing you at this year’s 50th NAMBA Nationals at Legg Lake where it all started!
Please don't forget to sign up before April 30th for your chance to win a ARTR Gas Mono!
See you at the pond, Richard Romero

3/18/2021 ... See flyer regarding gas race being held in Vegas in June. Note this is a fun/special race and not part of our district point series. 

3/9/2021 ... Please see attached for information on services for Leonard Feeback (original post on 2/3). 

3/1/2021 ... Legg Lake Model Boaters:
It's that time of year again and we are changing the locks at Legg Lake. Roger Pane, Steve Lopez, and Kent Edler will be at the lake this Saturday, March 6th and Sunday, March 7th, and the following Saturday the 13th from 9:00 AM until 1:00PM. Remember you need to have a CURRENT NAMBA 2021 CARD in order to get a key. NO CARD NO KEY. If you don't have a card yet go to the NAMBA web page and sign up, really easy. This year the keys will be $20.00. If you are not able to make it either weekend you will have to get a hold of Steve or Roger to get a key after the weekends. You can go to the legglakemodelboatclub.com web page for more information.

2/3/20201 ... It is with a very heavy heart that we report on the passing of another long time District 19 member - Leonard Feeback. Most will remember Leonard for his passion for scale boats. Leonard passed away last night of natural causes. The RC boat world lost a great builder, racer and great friend.

​1/11/2021 ... Unfortunately due to new COVID-19 restrictions, the first 2 races we had scheduled for 2021 have been cancelled. 

​1/7/2021 ... 2021 District Race Schedule now available. Message from Richard Romero/District Director:  
I want to THANK all our great clubs and their members for volunteering to host a racing event during these difficult times. We will be following all city/state COVID19 protocols during these events. All members attending will be asked to sign a waiver as well as follow all outlined COVID19 protocols. This is for the safety of our members and the public.
We all know that every city and state has different COVID 19 restrictions. Our 2021 race schedule spans 3 states all having their own set of restrictions. There is a good possibility that a few of our scheduled races do not make it.

Due to the volatility of COVID cases and protocol, we needed a way to inform our members whether the following race would be offered. We have come up with a “GO / NO GO” date:
On the weekend of the first made race, we will research the next race site's current COVID restrictions.
If it appears at that time the race can be held, that race is a “GO”, we will then list that race on RCRacingEvents.com. This will give members that plan to attend the following race ample time.
If our next event cannot meet the current COVID restrictions, the race is a “NO GO” and it will be canceled.
Please understand that just because a race is deemed a “GO”, it is not guaranteed and could still be canceled due to changing COVID restrictions.

We will be posting race entries at https://www.rcracingevents.com/ this week.
We wish you all the best in 2021 and I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events

10/22/2020 ... LAS VEGAS RACE - November 6-8:
Although our district points season has been cancelled, Outlaw Racing and Las Vegas R/C Boat Club will be holding their race as originally scheduled for those wanting to get some racing in this year. Please see attached entry form and COVID guidelines that must be followed for the event. If interested please note - you must print off both forms, fill them out completely, and mail them in with your payment. 

6/11/2020 .... *BREAKING NEWS*
NAMBA District 19 will be canceling our 2020 District Heat Racing Season.
Any District 19 sanctions will stay in place so that clubs may hold an event at their host location if permitted.
I understand some may feel this decision may be premature, but we must respect the health and safety of our model boating community and their families.
With all that is happening around us today, I hope we can take this time away from our hobby and enjoy some quality time with our loved ones.
I wish you all good health and safety and ask that we all be mindful of those around us.
Richard Romero​​

4/30/2020 .... Due to continuing concerns about the spread of coronavirus the Pahrump Nugget Casino/ RV facility has canceled all events until further notice, therefore the heat race originally scheduled for June 6-7 has been cancelled. 

4/27/2020 ... Due to continuing concerns about the spread of coronavirus, Clark County facilities and programs are closed/canceled until further notice. In order to comply with State and Federal COVID-19 Guidelines we will be cancelling our Las Vegas District 19 Race # 4 scheduled for May 16th-17th 2020.
As we all know gatherings of more than 10 people are not permitted. Therefore, this race must be cancelled.
We will keep you updated on the status of our upcoming races.Let us all work together, be mindful of each other and maintain social distance while in public. 
We wish you and your family’s safety and good health!

3/22/2020 .... In order to comply with State and Federal COVID-19 Guidelines we will be postponing our Tucson District 19 Race # 3 on April 18th-19th 2020. As we all know gatherings of more than 10 people are not permitted. Therefore, this race must be postponed, and a new date will be determined as soon as possible.
We will keep you updated on the status of our upcoming races. Let’s all work together, be mindful of each other and maintain social distance while in public.We wish you and your family’s safety and good health.
Please also see additional note from our NAMBA President Alan Hobbs. 

3/20/2020.... For those that use Legg Lake: We have been notified by the parks department that until further notice it is closed for model boating, this includes both for organized events and fun / individual test running. We will post additional updates as soon as we know more.

3/12/2020 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Needles are now available.  

2/16/2020 .... The points from last week's first heat race of 2020 are now available. Only 3 weeks till the next race in Needles - sign up now. 

1/9/2020 .... The agenda from last month's district meeting is now available. It includes the various handouts provided/reviewed at the meeting, voting results on the various proposals, and next year's heat racing schedule.

11/27/2019 .... There was an additional proposal submitted after the normal deadline, which the submitter forgot to send with his others. We've added it to the end of the proposals document as a possible proposal #11 for review. If there are any objections to have it discussed/voted on at the year-end meeting please let Richard Romero know. 

11/18/2019 .... The proposals that will be reviewed and voted on at this year's year end meeting are now available for review. 

10/12/2019 .... Information for the upcoming year end meeting and banquet is now available, see flyer for details. Remember - all rule proposals to be discussed at the meeting need to be sent in by November 1st. 

10/1/2019 .... Check out video from last weekend's race in Tempe. 

9/29/2019 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Tempe are now available. 

8/29/2019 .... The updated points from this weekend's heat race are now available. 

8/10//2019 .... The points from this last weekend's heat race at Legg Lake are now available.

8/9/2019 .... Information for the upcoming Heat Race on Aug 24-25 is now available. .

6/17/2019 .... The points from the June 8-9 heat race at Legg Lake are now available.

5/6/2019 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Tucson are now available.

5/1/2019 .... It is with great sadness that I post about the passing of another boater from our District 19 family - Bobby Tom, who passed away yesterday. Bobby hasn't raced actively in several years, but you can't think of the good old days of racing outboards without thinking fondly of him and his infectious smile. Boating wasn't just a hobby for Bobby but his profession, as he worked for years at both K&B and Airtronics. Our thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time.  
4/13/2019 .... The points from last weekend's heat race in Las Vegas are now available.

3/11/2019 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Needles are now posted.

2/14/2019 .... The points from this last weekend's heat race in Havasu are now available.

1/17/2019 .... For those that use Legg Lake routinely:
Kent ,Roger, and Steve will be at Leggs Lake on Saturday Jan 26th and Sunday Jan 27th from 10 am to 2 pm to sell the new keys for the locks. Please make sure you have your current 2019 NAMBA card with you or NO key. We have decided this year we will be lowering the price of the keys will be $20. With that being said if we have some unforeseen expenses this next year we might have go back to $35. Please try to bring correct amount with you. If you can’t make it those days, please call Steve Lopez @562-631-8596 or Roger Pane @714-366-3358 to make arrangements to get one. Check the Legg Lake Model Boat Clubs web page for more information if needed.

1/7/2019 ....
For those planning to attend the Havasu Heat Race in February, information on the group rate at the hotel are now available. Rooms are limited so it's recommended you make your reservations early. See Race Info page for details.

1/6/2019 .... Happy New Year everyone, just about a month left until this year's heat racing starts up again. The races have been published out on RaceMastersEvents site for you to enter as desired. As additional information is received by each of the hosting clubs we will add them to the Schedule page for you - so please check back as each of the races get closer for any specific details that you may need to know about before attending the event. The district rules have also been updated to include the updates passed at the year-end meeting last month.

12/17/2018 .... Here is the information  from this year's meeting on 12/8 in Laughlin. This includes the meeting agenda, various handouts, and results of the voting on proposals discussed (including the final wording of each of the proposals).

12/12/2018 .... The 2019 district schedule has been published, and can be printed out from the schedule page.

12/1/2018 .... It is with great sadness that we post the lose of another long time district 19 member - Dan Ast, who passed away earlier today. Dan’s boating passion was the scale classes, running nitro scale unlimited and sport classes for many years, as well as building them for other racers. Our thoughts go out to his brother Don during this difficult time.

11/18/2018 .... It has been brought to my attention that I forgot to include one of the proposals in my earlier posting. Please see updated proposals listing that includes it (#21 at the very end).

11/15/2018 .... For those planning to attend the year-end meeting, here are the proposals that will be discussed / voted on at the meeting.

11/6/2018 .... See flyer for information on this year's banquet and year-end meeting. Hotel reservations must be made by 11/23 to get the discounted rate.

10/30/2018 .... Reminder - All proposals to be voted on at the year-end meeting need to be sent in by tomorrow.

10/2/2018 .... The year end points are now available, this includes the updates from this last weekend's race in Tempe. As in years past, we've included a summary of the Top Ten from each class and a summary Per Driver of all the classes they participated in.

8/16/2018 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in San Diego have been posted.

8/15/2018 .... Schedule correction: The SCSTA race that was listed for later this month on the schedule as being on Saturday August 25, it actually is scheduled for Sunday August 26. The schedule has been updated to reflect the correct date. 

8/5/2018 .... It is with great sadness that I post on the passing of another old time member of our District 19 boating family - Dorothy Prather. She passed away in early July and services were held earlier this week in Las Vegas. Dorothy, along with her husband Al and son Terry, raced in our district for many years from the late 1970s thur early 1990s. For those new to our district who may not know, if it was not for their family we would not have the wonderful drivers' stand we have at Legg Lake today.

7/30/2018 .... You can now show your District 19 pride with T-Shirts and Hats, see our Store page for details.

7/26/2018 .... The points from last weekend's heat race at Legg Lake are now available.

7/13/2018 .... We are asking the members attending the Legg Lake race on July 21st,22nd to please make a donation to help pay to secure the facility during this event. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you all next weekend!

7/12/2018 ....
A select number of G-Ltd classes will be offered as exhibition classes at the San Diego and Tempe races later this year. Please see Race Info pages for each for details.

7/11/2018 .... 
In follow-up to the post on Joe Monohan's passing: A service will be held on Saturday August 4th at the Elks Lodge (40612 Village Drive, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315, 909-866-3557). For more information you can contact Vicki at 562-881-1786.

7/2/2018 ....
The points for the June 22-23 Heat Race are now available.

6/25/2018 ....
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of another one of our long time District 19 boaters Joe Monohan who passed away over the weekend. I had the honor of knowing Joe for 30+ years, meeting him when I was just a kid starting out in model boating. I like so many others will miss him greatly. We will share more details as we learn them.​

5/26/2018 .... For those in the LA area: The RC Sharks will be having a special club race on June 3rd, see Race Info page for details.

5/22/2018 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Pahrump are not available.

4/30/2018 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Tucson are now available.

4/26/2018 .... The points are now available from the Las Vegas Heat Race on April 7-8.

4/18/2018 .... I apologize for not having the points from the April 7-8 heat race posted yet, but  am currently out of town due to a family issue. I will get them posted as soon as I can upon my return.

3/15/2018 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Needles are now available.
Also for those in the LA area - Legg Lake Model Boat Club / Play Day - March 24th @ 8:00AM. Sign ups on www.racemastersevents.com (Legg Lake - Club Race 1) or just show up early to register. 4 boats needed to make a class; offering all Gas classes, Scale classes, and Electrics too. Come have fun. Contact Steve Lopez 562-631-8598 with questions.

3/1/2018 .... For those planning to attend the Celebration of Life for Vince Henderson this weekend, it has been switched from Saturday to Sunday March 4th.

2/12/2018 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Havasu are now available for review.
It is also with a heavy heart that we report on the passing of Vince Henderson this past week. Vince and his family raced in District 19 for many years, our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. They will be having a Celebration of Life for Vince on March 3rd, see flyer for more information.

1/11/2018 .... 2018 Membership renewal for Legg Lake will be January 27 & 28 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. The lock and key will be changed on the 25th. Proof of current NAMBA Membership is required to purchase a new key. You can visit the website at LeggLakeModelBoatClub.com for more information or contact Kent Edler (949) 230-3247.

1/1/2018 ... Happy New Year! Legg Lake now has its own website www.legglakemodelboatclub.com. We've set it up in an attempt to help keep up with such things as key changes, NAMBA membership renewal, park closures, racing events, and rules for membership for this R/C boating site. We thought this is easier than having to use the District 19 website only. Please be aware of the rules and that the park has required all that use the lake be “current” NAMBA members and purchase a key from the club. We will keep you informed on the 2018 key change date, coming soon. Kent Elder is the contact person at (949) 230-3247.

2017(return to top)

11/30/2017 .... For those planning on attending this year's banquet, please see letter on RSVP-ing for it.

11/26/2017 ... Russ has volunteered to MC our gift giving game again this year! For those of you that attended last year’s banquet it was an absolute BLAST! Please remember to keep your purchases under $25.00.The more creative the better, shop wisely and we will see you in a few weeks.

11/16/2017 .... We discovered an issue with one of the proposals posted yesterday, the document has been updated as needed.

11/15/2017 .... Proposals to be discussed and voted on at the year-end meeting are complete, see document for details on each of them.

11/9/2017 .... A updates relating to our upcoming year-end meeting/banquet:
- Please see document for information on the meeting/banquet, including hotel rates and times.
- Due to the fact this year’s NAMBA Nationals were held in our district during the month of October, we will be extending the deadline for new rule proposals to November 13th 2017. As normal proposals will be posted on the district web site by November 15th to allow ample time for voting members to review prior to the meeting. Remember the author (or their representative) of the proposal must be present at the district meeting in order for the rule to be modified.

10/8/2017 .... Information on rooms for this year's banquet are now available, see Schedule page for link.

9/27/2017 .... The points from the RC Sharks Heat Race on 9/16-9/17 are now available.

9/6/2017 .... The SCSTA race scheduled for this coming weekend on Sunday 9/10 has been cancelled due to weeds at Legg Lake.

8/23/2017 .... For those planning to attend the Heat Race in S El Monte on 9/16-9/17, please see Race Info page regarding overnight security.

8/17/2017 .... The SCSTA race scheduled for this Sunday August 20th has been cancelled due to lack of entries/interest.

8/15/2017 .... The points from this weekend H2O Gassers Heat Race are now available.

7/15/2017 .... The SCSTA race that was originally scheduled for July 9th has been rescheduled to August 20th, see Schedule page for info. Also the points from the June SCSTA race are now available.

7/6/2017 .... The SCSTA race scheduled for Sunday July 9th has been cancelled due to lack of entries/interest.

6/21/2017 .... For those attending this weekend's SCSTA race: Ron Buck will be supplying Cincinnati Chili until it's gone for lunch.

6/15/2017 .... The points from this weekend's Heat Race in El Monte are now available.

5/31/2017 .... The points from last weekend's SCSTA race are now available.

5/9/2017 .... Information has been added for the next Scale and Heat races, see Schedule page for info.

5/7/2017 .... Points from this weekend's Heat Race in Las Vegas are now available.

4/9/2017 .... Points from this weekend's Heat Race in Tucson are now available. Also note, the SCSTA race originally scheduled for April 23 has been rescheduled to June 25.

3/26/2017 .... Photos from the last heat race in Needles are now available courtesy of Vance Zanin. See Photos page for link to see them.

3/18/2017 .... Various updates:
- The points from last weekend's Heat Race in Needles are available.
- The May Heat Race original scheduled to be held in Pahrump has been moved to Las Vegas.

2/14/2017 .... The points from this weekend's Heat Race are now available. For those that attended the race Jim Foster with the LBMBC asked that we share the following:
I hope all that attended the Havasu Race had a good time. I would like to thank all of you who helped make it happen. We collected $980 at the raffle for the Leo Club retrieval boat kids so the club wrote them a check for $1,000. There were very excited and for me they did a great job. Again Thanks for all your help.

2/4/2017 .... For Legg Lake boaters: New keys will be available on Saturday February 18th and Sunday February 19th between 10am and 2pm at the pond. If you are unable to be there, you may contact Roger Pane @714-366-3358 or Steve Lopez @ 310-351-0744 after the 19th to get a key. Due to facility improvements made this year the price of keys will be $35, please try to bring cash. You must have your 2017 NAMBA card and some form of ID to purchase your key.

1/22/2017 .... For those planning to attend the February Heat Race in Havasu, they've setup a Meet & Greet for Thursday evening if you're interested. See Race Info page for details.

1/16/2017 .... The points from this weekend's Heat Race in San Diego are now available.

1/16/2017 .... The annual SCSTA meeting will be held next Saturday, January 21st. The meeting will start at 9am at Russ Stark's office: 500 Points Dr. Suite 400 Building 10, Brea, CA. Will be discussing classes offered and awards for this year's club events.

1/11/2017 .... District 19 is proud to be hosting the 2017 NAMBA Nationals. The Las Vegas SuperNats will be the first time all three power plants will be competing in the same event. Please visit nats.namba.com for news and the latest updates to this year's SuperNats. Hotel info will be available within the next couple days. I want to thank Russ Stark and David Santistevan for all their hard work putting this together! See you in Vegas 
Thanks, Richard Romero

1/5/2017 .... For those of you that currently have keys for Legg Lake: This year's rekeying will not take place until the end of the month - more information will be posted as details are finalized, until then existing keys will continue to work.

12/30/2016 .... Hope you all are enjoying your holidays. I have not yet had a chance to create the 2017 Schedule page yet but wanted to at least post a copy of the schedule for you to review until that is complete.

12/27/2016 .... Additional information has been added to the Race Info page for the San Diego race, regarding an exhibition class being run on Sunday and local club race website link. See page for links.


12/16/2016 .... A summary of items discussed at last weekend's year end meeting and the full 2017 Schedule will be posted shortly, but wanted to let people know who weren't there that our first heat race will be in San Diego this year on January 14-15. See Race Info page  for more information.

12/6/2016 ... For those in the LA area: Legg Lake will be closed to boating on Thursday December 15th for a film shoot.

11/27/2016 .... Anyone interested in getting a jump on the 2017 race season as well as a trip to sunny Florida, see invite  from District 3 to attend their 36th Annual Winter Nationals in January.

11/20/2016 .... It's amazing how time flies, another week has past and the start of the holiday season is just around the corner with Thanksgiving this coming week. There are also only 3 weeks left before our year-end meeting and banquet, don't forget to sign-up if you're planning to attend. Click herefor information on this year's event and a list of who's already RSVP'd.

11/14/2016 .... Only 4 weeks left until our year-end meeting and banquet in Laughlin. Here are the proposalsthat have been submitted for discussion / voting on at this year's meeting.

11/8/2016 .... Updates on the year-end banquet:
- We will be holding our gift giving game again this year, maximum value of $25 per gift. Russ has agreed to be our host and it should be a blast, just like last year's game! Shop wisely, buy a gift, and we look forward to seeing you all next month.
- Here is an updated list of those who will be attending the banquet and payment status.

10/30/2016 .... For those planning to attend the year-end meeting and banquet, please see document for updated information on both. Also a reminder that proposals are due in by October 31st, only one day left!

10/8/2016 .... The year end pointshave been updated to include the info from the final race of the year held last weekend. As in years past, the final document includes a summary per boater of all classes run and a top ten summary of all classes.
Now that the district heat racing is complete for the year - time to think about the year-end meeting and banquet, see document with information on both. Reminder: Proposals to be discussed at the year-end meeting need to be submitted by November 1st.

9/19/2016 .... The points have been updates with the results from this weekend's district heat race results.

9/13/2016 .... For those attending the district heat race this coming weekend at Legg Lake, Kent Elder asked that we let folks know that Ron Buck will be making homemade chili which will be available on Saturday for lunch until gone.

8/30/2016 .... A few updates:
- With only 2 heat races left in the 2016 season, we've started working on plans for the banquet. Please see flyer for information on the special room rates that have been arranged for this year's event.
- The pointsfrom last week's FE/Nitro/Scale series race are now available.

8/23/2016 ....Points from last weekend's district heat race now available. With only two more district races on the schedule, I've gone ahead and added the adjusted totals to each class - showing the lowest race result (as of today) and the total points with it removed for each boater so you can see how it's currently impacting the year-end standings. Remember these will change with each additional race.

8/18/2016 .... Information for the next Nitro/FE/SCSTA race is now available on the Schedule page.

8/15/2016 .... For those attending next weekend's district heat race in LA:

- There was not enough interest in lunch, so boaters will be on their own for lunch both days.

- The following classes qualified for the race:

Saturday: G-1 Mono, G-1 Cat, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, G-2 Mono, Sportsman Mono, Classic Thunderboat, Jersey Skiff

Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Cat, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox, Sportsman Mono

8/6/2016 .... Points from last weekend's Scale/Nitro/FE race are now available.

7/25/2016 ....Photos from the last two district heat races and the NAMBA Nationals have been loaded. 

7/12/2016 .... The pointshave been updated with the results from this weekend's heat race.

7/4/2016 .... Happy Independence Day! Below are the classes that qualified for next weekend's heat race in LA:
Saturday: G-1 Mono, G-2 Mono, G-1 Cat, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Crackerbox, Jersey Skiff, Sportsman Mono Sat, Classic Thunderboat, Rookie
Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Cat, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox, Open Oval, Open Offshore,  Sportsman Mono Sun, Rookie

7/2/2016 .... Here is a count of the entriesreceived so far for next weekend's Amigos Racing heat race in LA. Remember the deadline is tomorrow night.

6/21/2016 .... Information on the next Heat Race on July 9 & 10 has been updated, see Race Infopage for details.

6/16/2016 .... For those that test at Legg Lake: Be advised there will be filming in the park Friday June 24th. Due to the noise, the model boat area will be closed on that day. There will be signs posted as well that the area is closed. Any questions please contact Mark Grim.

5/23/2016 ... The district points have been updates with the results from this weekend's heat race results.

5/9/2016 .... For those attending the Las Vegas race on the 5/21-5/22. A discounted rate is being offered at the Hampton Inn right across the street from the park. See Race Infopage for details.

5/8/2016 .... We've received information on the services for Jim Wilson for those interested.

5/3/2016 .... It is with great sadness that I post the passing of another long time boater. Jim Wilson from District 9 passed away last night. I had the pleasure of knowing Jim for 30+ years and will miss our talks about the "old days" of model boating terribly. Our thoughts go out to his wife Diane and family.  

5/2/2016 .... Points from this weekend's Nitro/FE/Scale event have been updated and posted.

5/1/2016 ....  Welcome to the new District 19 website. We're still working to load some of the content (old photos, external links, etc.). Take some time to look around - tell us what you like, additional content you'd like to see, etc. Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to provide feedback.

4/20/2016 .... The points have been updated with the results from this weekend's district heat race. We also have photos from the weekend's race posted as well.

3/21/2016 ....
 Photos from the Needles Heat Race and last year's awards banquet have been uploaded.

3/16/2016 ....
The pointsfrom this weekend's district heat race are now available for review, along with the points for the FE/Nitro/Scale series' race that was held on Feb 27-28.

3/1/2016 ....
For those attending the Needles Heat Race, there were not enough people signed up for the BBQ Saturday evening so we will not be having that. Racers will still be able to order lunch from Pirates Cove as noted on the Race Info page.

2/29/2016 ....
New photos from various races have been uploaded, see Photos page for information (new albums shown in blue).

2/26/2016 .... Reminder for those attending the Needles heat race and were interested in doing the BBQ on Saturday night. We need to have a total of 50 people signed up for Pirates Cove to do it, the deadline for signing up is this weekend. Also open water on Friday has been extended to the afternoon. Please see Race Info page for current information.

2/16/2016 ....
For those planning to attend the upcoming heat race in Needles: Pirates Cove can do a BBQ for us Saturday night if we can get a minimum of 50 people to signup. Please see Race Info page for additional details, deadline for signing up for the BBQ is 2 weeks prior to the race.  

2/8/2016 ....
The points from this weekend's race in Havasu have been loaded.

2/1/2016 ....
The first race of 2016 is upon us! We will be performing motor inspections before the beginning of each race day on the following classes: Classic Thunderboat, Sportsman Saturday, and Sportsman Sunday. Travel safe and we will see you in Havasu...Richard Romero
The following classes qualified for the Havasu race:
Saturday: G-1 Mon, G-1 Cat, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, G-1Crackerbox, G-2 Mono, Thunderboat, Jersey Skiff, Sportsman Mono Sat
Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Cat, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox, Open Oval, Open Offshore, Sportsman Mono Sun

1/10/2016 ....
Information on the upcoming Heat Race in Havasu is now available on the Schedule page, which details on the hotel discount that expire Friday Jan 15th.

1/8/2016 ....
For those boaters that use Legg Lake please see the below updates from the Legg Lake Committee:
- Legg Lake will be closed for filming in the water between Tuesday January 12th and Friday January 15th, and on Friday January 8th as they will be doing some testing with the boat. Please let the rest of the members know that the area will be closed.
- The locks at Legg Lake will be re-keyed on Saturday January 16th at 7am. Keys will be available all weekend at the lake for anyone who would like to drive down and pick one up.
- There will be a Drivers Stand clean-up party for anyone who would like to attend Sunday January 17th all day until done. THE MORE THE MERRIER! Pizza and drinks provided.
- The lake will be closed from after the clean-up party above through Wednesday January 20th for all the paint to cure, the drivers tables are getting a face-lift!

12/31/2015 .... I want to wish everyone a happy, safe and prosperous New Year! Thank you all for a great year of racing in 2015! See you on the water, Richard Romero.

12/14/2015 .... For those that we not able to attend the year-end meeting, here is a summary of voting on the proposals as well as a listing of which classes will be offered at the district heat races next year. I've also uploaded the schedule for next year, as information is received from the various host clubs on their events we will create Race Info pages for each to the Schedule page.

12/1/2015 .... Various updates:
- Breaking News!!! We will be doing a gift exchange at this years banquet. The gift should be $25.00 or less and the one and only Russ Stark will be moderating the exchange.
- There will be a SCSTA meeting this coming Saturday at 9:30am. It will be held at Russ Stark's office (10 Pointe Drive Suite 400, Brea CA 92821). The meeting is to discuss the Scale/Nitro series and what classes will be offered.  Please attend, your input will be greatly appreciated.

11/22/2015 .... Various updates:
- To all those planning on attending this year's banquet: Please email me your banquet guest list by November 27th, to richard.district19@gmail.com. Please understand it's crucial that I provide the hotel with a correct head count so that we are billed accordingly.
- A few updates have been made to the various district chairmen positions, see the Contact/Clubs page for details.

11/4/2015 .... The proposals for discussion and voting on at this year's year-end meeting are now available.

11/1/2015 .... Links to photos and videos from the World Cup race held in Las Vegas are now available on the Photos page, courtesy of Jay Stone.

10/29/2015 .... Please see the attached letter from Richard regarding this year's banquet scheduled for Saturday December 12th, along with a flyer from the hotel for specifics on rooms. The year-end meeting is scheduled for 11am and the banquet at 6pm. Remember - Any proposals you want to submit for voting at the year-end meeting must be submitted to Richard by November 1st (this Sunday).

10/6/2015 .... Various updates:
- The year end points are now available. Additional links/pages have been added to the file, summarizing the results per boater and the top ten in all classes.
- The 2-lap records event originally scheduled for this coming weekend Oct 10-11 has been rescheduled to the end of the month Oct 31-Nov 1.
- Reminder that all rule proposals to be discussed and voted on at the year-end meeting must be received by November 1st.

9/28/2015 .... Various updates:
- The following classes qualified for this weekend's Rum Racing heat race:
Saturday: G-1 Mono, G-1 Catamaran, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, Classic Thunderboat, P-Ltd Sport Hydro, Sportsman Mono Saturday
Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Catamaran, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, Open Oval, Gas Rookie, P-Ltd Catamaran, Sportsman Mono Sunday
- The updated SCSTA points with last weekend totals are now available.

9/24/2015 .... It saddens me to report that we have lost another boating legend - Jack Oxley. He passed away yesterday morning. He's survived by his daughter Melanie.

9/14/2015 .... For those planning on attending the SCSTA club race on 9/20, they will not be utilizing the RC Racing Events site for entries (due to the fees now being charged). Please see the Race Info page for information for entry information.

9/3/2015 .... For those planning on attending the upcoming Heat Race in Tempe. They will NOT be using RC Racing Events site for entering, please see Race Info page for contact information on submitting your entries.

9/1/2015 .... Don and Leonard asked that I post the following in regards to the Sept 20th SCSTA race: The SCSTA will provide lunch and prizes for all and for first place in each class for the day.

8/30/2015 .... The points have been updated to include the results from this weekend's Heat Race.

8/24/2015 .... Various updates:
- The following classes qualified for this coming weekend's H2O Gassers Heat Race:
Saturday: G-1 Mono, G-1 Catemaran, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Crackerbox, Sportsman Mono Saturday, Classic Thunderboat
Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Catamaran, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox, Sportsman Mono Sunday, Open Offshore, P-Ltd Catemaran, P Mono, Gas Rookie
- For those interested in lunch Sunday at the H2O Gassers race, please email Kim so she can get a count (see Race Info page for details).

8/17/2015 .... For those planning on attending the H20 Gassers Heat race, entries will be taken via the RC Racing Events site as originally planned. If there are any issues with the site please email Kent Elder with your entries, which can be found on the Race Info page for the race.

8/8/2015 .... For those of you planning on attending the Nitro/FE race on Sept 6th at Legg Lake - they will not be utilizing the RC Racing Events system for entering (due to the recent change with that service). Please see information on the Schedule page for that race for entry information.

8/5/2015 .... There has been a proposal submitted to be voted on at the next Heat Race at Legg Lake, on Saturday August 29th. The voting will follow the Non Year-End Proposal process.

8/4/2015 .... The points have been updated to include the results from this weekend's race in San Diego. Since we're getting close to the end of the year, I've gone ahead and added a column reflecting what the total points would be today with each racer's worst race result removed (remember this could be a race not attended, in which case the adjusted total will not be different).

7/26/2015 .... Various updates:
- It is with a heavy heart that we report the lose of another fellow model boater, Butch Fields lost his battle with cancer yesterday.
- Note from Richard Romero: I would like to congratulate all of the District 19 winners from this year's NAMBA Nationals held at Lake Minden. See document for a full list of those boaters lucky enough to make it into the top 3 of their respective classes. I would also like to say congratulations and a big THANK YOU to the Folsom RC Modelers for putting on a top notch event and a BIG HATS OFF to your club.

7/23/2015 .... The SCSTA race that was scheduled to run in conjunction with the Nitro/FE race on Sept 6th has been rescheduled to Sept. 20th. The Nitro/FE race will remain on Sept 6th, an updated flyer for it has been posted to the Schedule page.

6/28/2015 .... Various Updates:
- Please see proposals that will be voted on at the next Heat Race in San Diego, on Saturday August 1st. The voting will follow the Non Year-End Proposal process.
- We will not be holding the District Shootout, originally scheduled for November 21st.
- The SCSTA race scheduled for September 20th has been moved to September 6th and will be run  as a combined race with the Nitro/FE race on the same day.

6/23/2015 .... Various Updates:
- Information on the San Diego heat race is now available from the Schedule page.
- Due to the conditions at Legg Lake the SCSTA race scheduled for June 28th has been cancelled.

6/20/2015 .... Various Updates:
- It is with great sadness that we report on the loss of another old time model boater. Bruce Gaines, who raced in the Las Vegas area back in the 1980's, passed earlier this week. Please see attached letter from Shane Forrest.
- The points from the last SCSTA race have been posted.
- For those that attend the SCSTA races there have been some class changes for the remaining two races. See the Race Info pages from the Schedule page for details.

6/18/2015 .... Reminder the second race in the Nitro/FE Race series is scheduled for next Saturday at Legg Lake. See flyer from the Schedule page for more information and/or contact Al Waters at namba883@cox.net or 760-522-9138.  

6/11/2015 .... The points from last weekend's Heat Race have been posted.

6/2/2015 .... Information on the upcoming Outlaw Racing Heat Race at Legg Lake this weekend:
- The following classes qualified:
Saturday: G-1 Mono, G-2 Mono, G-1 Crackerbox, G-1 Outrigger, G-Ltd Mono Saturday, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Catemaran, P-Ltd Hydro, Jersey Skiff, Classic Thunderboat
Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, G-Ltd Mono Sunday, GX-1/GX-2 Catamaran, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, Open Offshore, P Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, Open Oval, Gas Rookie, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox
- Kim Grim will be doing her BBQ lunch on Saturday for those interested, cost will be $5.00 per person.

5/24/2015 .... Various updates:
- The points been updated to included the results from the Heat Race on May 16-17.
- Photos from both the Needles Heat Race (on March 7-8) and Amigos Heat Race (on May 16-17) have been uploaded, thanks to Richard Romero for them.

5/22/2015 .... Various updates:
- For those planning to attend the Heat Race on June 6-7: Due to the ongoing issues that the RC Racing Events site has been experiencing, the entries for the upcoming Heat Race being hosted by Outlaw Racing will be taken the old fashion way via email. See the Race Info page for specifics.
- Congratulations to Michael Cinquegrani for winning our first G-Ltd exhibition race at the last race! We will be running the G-Ltd Mono class on both Saturday and Sunday, both will be run as an exhibition race only. The cost to run BOTH will be $20.00. 

5/12/2015 .... The points from the 5/3 SCSTA race are now available.

5/11/2015 .... The following classes qualified for the Heat Race this coming weekend at Legg Lake: 
Saturday: G-1 Mono, G-1 Cat, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Crackerbox, G-2 Mono, Jersey Skiff, Thunderboat
Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Cat, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, Open Oval, Open Offshore, G-Ltd Mono, Gas Rookie, P Mono

5/8/2015 .... We currently have 2 G-Ltd Monos entered for our next district heat race at Legg Lake on May 16th-17th. If we can get at least ONE more entry we will allow them to run as an exhibition only class. They will be run on Sunday May 17th so that time constraints will not be an issue. If there are racers that have been thinking about entering the class this is the time.

4/24/2015 ... Please see proposals that will be voted on at the district meeting to held at the next Heat Race (Saturday May 16th at Legg Lake). Also photos from the Tucson Heat Race are now available, courtesy of Jay Stone.

4/19/2015 .... Points from this weekend's Heat Race in Tucson are now available. Also there will be a meeting at the next Heat Race at which there will be a proposal or two up for vote, it will follow the Non Year-end Meeting/Rule Proposal process. The proposal(s) is being finalized and will be posted in the next few days.   

4/14/2015 ... Please see letter from Robert Holland regarding the Sport Hydro proposal that was sent out for voting in the latest edition of the NAMBA Propwash. The said proposal has since been withdrawn and all votes for that proposal will not be counted.

4/13/2015 .... The following classes qualifies for the Heat Race this coming weekend in Tucson:
Saturday: G-1 Mono, G-1 Cat, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Crackerbox, Thunderboat
Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Cat, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, Open Oval, Gas Rookie.
For those that entered a class that did not qualify please let the club know if you'd like to move any of those entries to another class that did qualify. The classes that did not have enough entries to qualify are as follows:
G-2 Mono, G-2 Sport Hydro, Jersey Skiff, B Mono, A OPC, B OPC, P-Ltd Sport Hydro, P-Ltd Cat, Open Offshore, P Mono, FE 1/10th Modern and Vintage Scale, A Mod Tunnel, B Mod Tunnel, and A Hydro.
Final list of entries per class attached.

4/5/2015 .... Due to the recent issues experienced with the RC Racing Events website the Tucson club has elected to switch back to the old fashion method of receiving entries directly for their Heat Race scheduled for April 18-19. Entries can be sent directly to Karl Morse at wildtrio@aol.com or via phone at 520-571-9591. See the Race Info page for a list of current listing of those people that have entered so far. 
Also of note, the points from last weekend's SCSTA's race have been posted.

3/18/2015 .... An extra Nitro/FE race has been added to the schedule on Saturday June 27th. See flyer for more information if interested in attending.

3/10/2015 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Needles have been posted. Also information on the next heat race and upcoming SCSTA club race is now available from the Schedule page.

3/4/2015 .... In follow-up to the item posted on 2/2/15 regarding to passing of John Michaud's son Brandon: Services/mass will be held Wednesday March 11th from 10:30-11:30am at St Gregory the Great (13935 Telegraph Rd, Whittier, CA 90604) with a Celebration of Life Lunch following at Pepz Pizza (165 S Harbor Blvd, La Habra, CA 90631).

3/2/2015 .... The following classes qualified for the Heat Race this coming weekend in Needles, for those that entered a class that did not qualify please let the club know if you'd like to move those entries to another qualifying class:
Saturday: G-1 Mono, G-1 Catamaran, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Crackerbox, Thunderboat, Jersey Skiff, G-2 Mono, B Mono.
Sunday: GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Catamaran, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox, Open Oval, Rookie

2/27/2015 .... Additional photos have posted from the Havasu Heat Race and FE Winter Warm-up race, courtesy of Jay Stone.

2/24/2015 .... Various updates:
- Legg Lake will be closed to all model boaters on Wednesday Feb 25th thru Friday Feb 27th, as there will be filming at the lake on these days. Boaters may resume using the model boat area on Saturday Feb 28th.
- Photos from the Havasu Heat Race have been posted, courtesy of Richard Romero. 

2/17/2015 .... For those attending the Needles Race, there has been a change to the open water schedule. We've also received a flyer regarding the lunch that will be available. See Race Info page for details.

2/15/2015 .... Additional information has been added to the Race Info page for the upcoming Heat Race in Needles.

2/13/2015 ... You can enter the upcoming nitro race at Legg Lake online at www.rcracingevents.com. If a class does not have the three boats entered to qualify, you can still run your boats in a comparable class that we will put together if you so desire. Any questions? Please contact Al Waters at 760-522-9138.

2/9/2015 .... Various updates:
- The straight line event originally scheduled for Nov 4-8 has been rescheduled to Nov 11-15.
- The points from this weekend's heat race have been posted.
- Information on the upcoming heat race in Needles is now available. Some details are still pending, updates to follow soon.

2/3/2015 .... The following classes qualified for the Heat Race this coming weekend in Havasu, for those that entered a class that did not qualify please let the club know if you'd like to move those entries to another qualifying class. Saturday:  G-1 Mono, G-1 Catamaran, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Crackerbox, G-2 Mon, G-2 Catamaran, Thunderboat, Jersey Skiff, P-Ltd Sport Hydro 
Sunday:  GX-1/GX-2 Mono, GX-1/GX-2 Catamaran, GX-1/GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-1/GX-2 Outrigger, GX-1/GX-2 Crackerbox, Open Oval, Gas Rookie

2/2/2015 .... Our thoughts go out to John Michaud and his wife Valerie on the passing of their son Branden. He was tragically killed this morning in a vehicular accident in Colorado. Condolences can be sent to the family via mail at 10915 Parise Drive, Whittier CA 90604, or via email at nsaneo3@yahoo.com.

1/17/2015 .... Photos from the 2014 Awards Banquet have been uploaded for viewing on the Photos page - thank you Richard Hazelwood for providing those for us to share. Included in these are some of the Legg Lake Time Capsule opening that occurred at the banquet. I am working to digitize all of the items from the time capsule (photos, videos, news articles, etc.) so that they can be posted on the website for all to see. Its turned out to be a bit larger of a task then I had thought when I volunteered to do it. More to come as that progresses.

1/5/2015 .... The district rules have been updated to include the new rules voted on at the year-end meeting.

1/1/2015 .... Information for the Havasu Heat Race is now available.

12/31/2014 .... The gate at Legg Lake will be re-keyed this Saturday around 7am, with keys being available for purchase around 10am. Keys are $25 this year. Please bring your 2015 NAMBA card with you, as keys will not be sold without one. If you are still waiting for your current card please ask Al Waters to email a confirmation to you that can be brought as proof instead. Also please see attached letter discussing the Legg Lake Fund and key program from 2014.

12/29/2014 .... The schedule for 2015 has been finalized and added to the website. As information is received from the various host clubs on their events we will be adding links to the Race Info pages for each to the Schedule page. Also see the following letter summarizing the results of the voting on the proposals from the year-end meeting.

12/9/2014 .... For those planning to attend the year-end meeting next weekend, please remember it starts at 11am. The proposals that will be discussed and voted on were posted on 11/14/14 (see News item from that day for link to the  document).

12/1/2014 .... The Legg Lake Time Capsule will be removed from the driver's stand at around noon on Friday December 5th. Though the time capsule itself won't be opened until the following Saturday at the District Banquet in Laughlin, there will be a removal celebration at the lake on December 5th as it's removed, which will include cake and drinks.

11/18/2014 .... Various updates:
- The previous post regarding Joel Forrest has been updated to include funeral service information.
- Information on next year's FE Nationals, being held in Colorado, is now available http://www.namba2015fenats.com/.
- The proposals document has been updated to include one proposal that got missed in the original posting (shown on page 14-15).
- Please see letter from Al Waters in regards to possible special/fun run for Nitro/FE next year. Will discuss at the end of the year-end meeting and if folks are interested races will be added to the schedule after all other races have been scheduled.

11/16/2014 .... For those of you that knew Joel Forrest, a District 19 boater since the 80s, it is with great sadness that I post that he passed away this past Wednesday. He leaves behind a wonderful wife Pam and his son Shane and his family Diana & Cole Forrest. Funeral services will be next Saturday 11/22 at 2pm at the Lietz-Fraze Funeral Home (21 Riviera Blvd, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403, 928-855-4949). Joel you will be greatly missed my friend.

11/14/2014 .... The proposals to be discussed and voted on at the year-end meeting on December 13th are now available.

11/5/2014 .... For those that qualify, you can now sign-up for the ShootOut on the http://www.rcracingevents.com/ - labeled "D19 Shootout Dec 6th". We will be taking the top 6 interested boaters out of the top 10 for each class. 

10/25/2014 .... Being the website editor it always saddens me to post these notices and especially now that I must post one of my own. It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Robert "Bob" Osborne, my father-in-law. For those that didn't know him he started model boating with his son Jim Osborne back in the mid 80's, even serving as assistant district director in the early 90's.  Services will be held next Saturday November 1st, for more information please see http://www.greenwoodmemorylawn.com/.

10/19/2014 .... The year end heat racing points file has been updated to include two additional summary listings. The first is a listing by racer of how they did in all the classes that they raced this year. The second is a listing of the top 10 finishers in all the classes run combined together, as opposed to have to look at the classes individually. Links to both of these summaries have been added at the top of the first page of the document.

10/16/2014 .... For SCSTA members: The annual meeting will be held Saturday November 22nd at 9:00am at Russ Starks's office, located at 500 Points Drive, Building 10, Suite 400, Brea CA. 

10/13/2014 .... Now that the main racing season is over it's time to focus on some year-end activities, specifically the  the year-end meeting and banquet.
- Reminder any proposals that you want to submit for voting on at the year-end meeting must be sent to Rob Martinez before November 1st. They will then be posted on the website by November 15th for review prior to the meeting.
- In regards to the banquet, you can now signup for it on the RCRacingEvents website, listed as "Laughlin NV 12-13-14 Banquet".  Remember this year there is a discount being offered on your banquet ticket if you pay in advance, see letter for more details on the banquet.

10/7/2014 .... The points from this weekend's Rum Racing Heat Race are now available. Congratulations to all our year-end class winners.

9/30/2014 .... The points from this weekend's SCSTA race are now available.

9/29/2014 .... The following classes have qualified for the upcoming Rum Racing/Kiwanis Lake Heat Race:
Saturday: P LTD Sport Hydro, G-1 Mono, G-1 Cat, G-1 Sport, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Crackerbox, G-2 Mono, Classic Thunderboat.
Sunday: P-Ltd Catamaran, P Mono, Gas Rookie, GX-1 Mono, GX-1 CAT, GX-1 Sport Hydro, GX-1 Crackerbox, GX2-Mono, GX2-Outrigger, Open Oval, Open Offshore, Gas Outboard Tunnel, Vintage/10th Scale.
The following classes did not qualify:
GX-2 Cat, Jersey Skiff, G-2 Sport Hydro, X Mono, G-2 Cat, GX-1 Outrigger, GX-2 Sport Hydro, GX-2 Crackerbox, A Hydro, X Hydro 

9/15/2014 .... The RC Racing Events website has been down for several days, and we have not heard an ETA for it coming back up. For anyone trying to enter the upcoming SCSTA race at Legg Lake scheduled for Sept 21st you may send an email to astboats@reagan.com to enter.  For anyone trying to enter the upcoming Heat Race at Tempe Kiwanis Lake scheduled for Oct 4-5, please send an email to rumracing@cox.net or call 480-946-7262 to enter.  Be sure to include in your email: your name, NAMBA #, the classes you want to enter, and frequency for each class.

9/10/2014 .... For those that may have heard otherwise the SCSTA race scheduled for September 21st is still on.

9/8/2014 .... The points from last weekend's H20 Gassers Heat Race are now available.

8/28/2014 .... Please see the following letter regarding important information regarding this year's year end banquet.
- Also note the Schedule page has been updated to reflect that there will not be a World Cup this year and the Printable Version of the schedule has been updated to reflect the changes in dates for the Banquet and Shootout (as noted in News item dated 6/27/14).

8/15/2014 .... The points from the San Diego Cup Heat Race are now available for review.

8/4/2014 .... The following classes qualified for the upcoming San Diego Cup Heat Race:
Saturday: Classic Thunderboat, G-1 Cat, G-1 Crackerbox, G-1 Mono, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-2 Mono, Jersey Skiff
Sunday: Gas Rookie, GX-1 Cat, GX1 Crackerbox, GX-1 Mono, GX-1 Sport Hydro, GX-2 Mono, GX-2 Outrigger, Open Offshore. Open Oval, Gas OB Tunnel

6/27/2014 .... Various updates:
- The points from the Amigos Heat Race on June 14-15 are now available.
- The points from the SCSTA race on June 22 are now available.
- The proposal for making the San Diego Heat Race a double points race did not pass (see News item from 5/20/14 for  original proposal wording).
- It was decided that we will have a Shootout this year, which will take place at Legg Lake on Saturday December 6th.
- The Legg Lake time capsule (which was placed into the driver's stand back when it was built in 1989) will be removed on Friday December 5th and will be opened at this year's banquet, which has been moved from it's originally scheduled date to December 13th (the special date of 12/13/14).

6/10/2014 .... The following classes qualified for the upcoming Amigos District Heat Race:
Saturday: Classic Thunderboat, G-1 Cat, G-1 Crackerbox, G-1 Mono, G-1 Outrigger, G-1 Sport Hydro, G-2 Mono, Jersey Skiff, P Ltd Sport Hydro
Sunday: Gas Rookie, GX-1 Cat, GX1 Crackerbox, GX-1 Mono, GX-1 Sport Hydro, GX-2 Mono, GX-2 Outrigger, Open Offshore. Open Oval, P Mono, Gas OB Tunnel

6/8/2014 .... Note from Neil Boyle: Preparations are underway for the 2nd Annual San Diego Cup (District Heat Race # ), August 9-10, 2014. For more information please visit www.sandiegocup.weebly.com.

6/5/2014 .... Various items:
- The points from the SCSTA race on June 1st are now available.
- Gentle reminder: Even though the deadline to enter most of our district heat races isn't until the Sunday right before, that doesn't mean that you have to wait until then to enter. Some boaters can only work on their boats during the weekends so not knowing if a particular class is going to make it until that time doesn't give them a lot of time to get them put together. You can always change your entry later if you entered early and it turns out that something won't be ready in time.  

5/22/2014 .... The points from the Las Vegas race are now available.

5/20/2014 .... Various updates:
- The points from the SCSTA race on May 4th are now available.
- There is a proposal up for vote at the next district heat race (Amigos Racing - June 14-15) which will follow the Non Year-end Meeting/Rule Proposal process. The meeting will occur Saturday after the conclusion at the lake.

5/12/2014 .... The following classes qualified and will be run next weekend in Las Vegas:
Saturday: G1 Mono, G2 Mono, G1 Crackerbox, G1 Outrigger, G1 Sport Hydro, G1 Cat, Jersey Skiff, Classic Thunderboat, Gas Tunnel; 
Sunday: Gas Rookie, GX1 Mono, GX2 Mono, GX1 Cat, GX1 Sport Hydro,  GX1 Outrigger, Open Offshore, GX1 Crackerbox, Open Oval .

4/19/2014 .... Information for the upcoming District Heat race in Las Vegas is now available from the Schedule page, which includes information on special hotel rates. Hotel rooms at the special price are limited so make your reservations quickly.

4/14/2014 .... The points from the Tucson District Heat Race are now available.

4/2/2014 .... Our thoughts go out to Ron Fassl Jr for the recent passing of his father Ron Sr. please see letter with more information.

3/24/2014 .... For those of you that haven't been before the West Texas Shootout for Autism is a great race supporting a great cause. As in past years there will be a District 7 vs. District 19 challenge for some good old fashion competition. This year's event is scheduled for April 24-27, for more information visit their website http://riogranderacers.com/shootout.htm

3/21/2014 .... It's been brought to our attention that there is currently an issue with the RC Racing Events site that is used for entering most of our district races. This site is a free/independent site totally outside of District 19 and NAMBA's control, so unfortunately we can't say when it will be up and running again. The deadline for the next race it over 2 weeks away so there is plenty of time for the issues with the site to be worked out before then, but you can always enter directly with the host club by using the Club Contact email address shown on the Race Info page for that race.

3/10/2014 .... The points from the Havasu District Race are now available.

2/26/2014 .... There have been some corrections made to the points from the Las Vegas heat race - classes affected G-1 Outrigger, Rookie, GX-1 Crackerbox, and Open Offshore.

2/15/2014 .... Our hearts go out to Raul Escutia for the recent passing of his father, please see letter from Rob Martinez with more information.

2/14/2014 .... See letter regarding the new Zenoah Molybdenum Disulfide Pistons now being legal for various classes.

2/12/2014 .... The points from last weekend's district heat race are now available.

2/3/2014 .... The following classes qualified and will be run next weekend in Las Vegas: Saturday: G1 Mono, G2 Mono, G1 Crackerbox, G1 Outrigger, G1 Sport Hydro, G1 Cat, Jersey Skiff, Classic Thunderboat, Gas Tunnel;  Sunday: Gas Rookie, GX1 Mono, GX2 Mono, GX1 Cat, GX Sport Hydro, Open Offshore, GX2 Outrigger, GX1 Crackerbox.

1/27/2014 .... Please see letter for information regarding Anita Michaud service this weekend. Also for those going to the Havasu race in March there is some additional information regarding the hotel. 

1/25/2014 .... Our hearts go out to Jeff & John Michaud for the recent loss of their mother, please see letter from Rob Martinez with more information.

1/25/2014 .... Information for the Lake Havasu race is now available on the schedule page, also see details letter from host club 

1/20/2014 .... Alert: Due to problems with the RCRacingEvents website, all entries for the Las Vegas race on Feb 8-9 will need to be emailed to Russ Stark at outlaw@namba19.com. For those that have already entered via the RCRacingEvents page unfortunately you will need to re-enter as none of the current entry information was forwarded on to Russ as needed. Please remember to include in the email - your name, NAMBA number, classes and frequency for each.

1/18/2014 .... Race updates:
- Pahrump heat race: Unfortunately even though the park was happy to have us back we just found out that this same weekend Pahrump is having their biggest golf tournament that same weekend and both casinos are fully booked. So  the race is being moved to Las Vegas.
- Season opener: If you are planning on attending you'll want to enter the race and make your room reservations as they are starting to fill up.

1/8/2014 .... For those that run at the SCSTA Dan Ast asked that I post the attached guidelines for the FE Scale Hydro class that will be run this year.

1/5/2014 .... The lock at Legg Lake was rekeyed yesterday. For those of you needing a new key you can contact Kim and Mark Grim 714-890-3127 or Roger Pane 714-366-3358. Keys this year are $25 and you must show proof of current NAMBA membership.

12/21/2013 .... Class schedule for 2014 correction: Nitro/Elec Rookie was mistakenly listed as running on Saturday in the letter posted on 12/16/2013, Rookie will run on Sunday as it did this year.

12/16/2013 .... See letter from Rob Martinez summarizing the items discussed at the year-end district meeting. The 2014 race schedule has also been posted. A revised copy of the rules that will be used for this year's exhibition Gas Tunnel Class have been posted on the Rules page.

12/14/2013 .... Just wanted to let people know we are still working to finalize the 2014 schedule from last weekend's district meeting, as some issues with site availability came up after the meeting that we are working through. As soon as it's complete, it and the results of the voting will be posted here for review. 
For those of you that missed the district banquet we were treated to a special "character study" video by our resident camera man Vance Zanin. Vance has posted the video out on YouTube for everyone to enjoy. Anyone wanting a High Quality Hard Copy for $10 can email Vance at vanceman99@hotmail.com.

12/4/2013 .... Please review this document containing preliminary rules for the new Gas Tunnel class, which will be discussed at the year-end District Meeting this weekend. The rules will not be voted on at the meeting, but instead presented in their updated form for vote at the first District race in 2014.

12/3/2013 .... For those attending the District Meeting/Banquet: For those interested we will be having the gift exchange again this year, gift price $20-$25. The district meeting starts at 12:00PM PST in the Scorpio Room, Happy Hour @ 6:00 PM, Dinner @ 7:00 PM. See you all soon.

11/30/2013 .... Note from Rob Martinez: Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. Look forward to seeing you net weekend at the district banquet. 

11/26/2013 .... Note from Steve Lopez: Thanks to all that have RSVP'd for the banquet. I'm happy to report that we made our minimum, and that we will be enjoying a very nice buffet dinner in the Scorpio Room and not chicken nuggets at McDonalds. Also the hotel group code "C-NAM13" has been extended until December 3rd, so for those who are still undecided about attending or spending the night. Again thanks for all the support, and I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

11/22/2013 .... Lenny Blake with Rum Racing Products asked me to pass this on - If you need to get a hold of him please call 602-918-0499, as his land line number is no longer in service.

11/20/2013 .... Please read the attached letter in regards to information that is desperately needed in regards to Sunset Park. The Vegas guys would appreciate any information anyone might have, no matter how small.

11/10/2013 .... The District 19 Awards Dinner may be in jeopardy. A total count is due very soon, and as of right now there are only 25 for dinner. The minimum they will buffet for is 50. If you have not yet signed up yet, please do so ASAP. If we can not make the 50 minimum we may be having dinner at "McDonalds".
Also of note for those planning on attending the SCSTA meeting the date posted originally was incorrect, the meeting will be on November 24th. All other information in the original 10/27/2013  posting (dated 10/27/2013) is still correct.

11/5/2013 .... Reminder for those planning on attending the year end awards banquet in Laughlin, please go out to the RC Racing Events and sign-up. See News item from 9/25/13 for more information.  Also the proposals to be discussed/voted on at the year end meeting are now available.

10/31/2013 .... Results from this year's NAMBA Elections are in, see letter from Ted with details.

10/28/2013 .... Reminder any rules proposals for discussion/voting on at the year end meeting need to be submitted to Ted McKay by this Thursday October 31st.

10/27/2013 .... For SCSTA members, the annual meeting will be held November 27 at 9:00am at Russ Stark's office, located at 500 Points Drive, Building 10, Suite 400, Brea, CA.

10/15/2013 .... The final year end points have now been posted, sorry for the delay.

10/9/2013 .... For those boaters that test out at Legg Lake, per the Parks department Legg Lake will be closed October 18th, 19th, and 20th. The park is having an event in that area and no RC boats will be allowed to run.

9/29/2013 .... The updates points from last weekend's SCSTA race are now available.

9/25/2013 .... Details regarding our annual awards banquet and year-end meeting are now available, see attached letter for more information.

9/11/2013 .... Note from Ted McKay/District Director: I just want to remind everyone that any rule proposals you wish to submit need to be to me no later than October 31st. Please submit your proposal stating the current rule you wish to change followed by your proposal and then why you feel the change is needed. If you have any questions please let me know. 

9/9/2013 .... The points from this weekend's heat race in Las Vegas are now posted. Also the

8/18/2013 .... Please see letter from Ted McKay regarding possible 3-day Havasu district heat race in 2014.

8/17/2013 .... Due to unsolved problems with Bayfair the SCSTA Club race scheduled for Saturday September 14th in San Diego will be held instead on Sunday September 22nd at Legg Lake. Updates will be posted here as available. 

8/12/2013 .... The points from this weekend's heat race along with the latest SCSTA points are now available. Also if you plan on attending the Muncey race please let Dan Ast know by Wednesday evening, astboats@reagan.com or 714-893-0948.

8/5/2013 .... Reminder that we will be voting on a proposal after racing on Saturday August 10. See News item below for the details of the proposal.

7/2/2013 .... There is a proposal up for vote at the next district heat race (H2O Gassers - August 10-11) which will follow the Non Year-end Meeting/Rule Proposal process. The meeting will occur Saturday after the conclusion of racing at the lake.

6/29/2013 ... Web updates - Link to Vance's photos from the June Legg Lake heat race, and points from the latest SCSTA race.

6/22/2013 .... Letter from Ted McKay regarding upcoming elections.

6/11/2013 .... The updated points from last weekend's district heat race, along with the points from the Las Vegas heat race in May, are now loaded on the website.

5/30/2013 .... A link to Vance Zanin's photos from the Las Vegas Heat Race have been posted on Photos page. 

5/22/2013 .... The 2 Lap records event that was originally scheduled for this coming weekend has been rescheduled to June 29-30.

5/11/2013 .... For those going to the Las Vegas heat race next weekend, there has been a change in park entry procedures. No vehicles will be allowed on the grass until approximately 10am, was previously noted as 8am.

5/1/2013 .... The points from the SCSTA race on April 21 have been posted.

4/19/2013 .... The location for the May 18-19 Heat Race being put on by Outlaw Racing has been moved back to Las Vegas/Sunset Park. 

4/18/2013 .... The points have been updated to included this weekend's Heat Race in Tucson.

4/17/2013 .... Long time district 19 boater Frank Cocchiola has passed away, our thoughts go out to his family and friends. For those that would like to attend memorial services will be held this Saturday 4/20 at 2:30pm at the Oceanside Mortuary (602 South Coast Highway, Oceanside, CA 92054).  

4/16/2013 .... The location for the May 18-19 Heat Race being put on by Outlaw Racing has been moved to Legg Lake CA. More information on the race to follow as soon as it becomes available.

4/1/2013 .... The April NAMBA Propwash is now available online at namba.com. There are several NAMBA proposals up for a vote, please take the time to vote and submit to the NAMBA office when you receive them.

3/13/2013 .... The points from this weekend's Heat Race are now posted.

3/7/2013 .... Location change for the May 18-19 Heat Race: Race being put on by Outlaw Racing that was originally scheduled to take place in Pahrump, NV is being moved to Sunset Park in Las Vegas, NV.

3/3/2013 .... For those of you the use Legg Lake, we've been informed by the Parks Department that it will be closed March 6-8.

3/2/2013 .... For those attending the San Diego Heat Race next weekend they are having a steak dinner Saturday evening after the race. If you're interested in participating they are asking that you let them know ahead of time, see the Race Info page for specifics.

2/22/13 .... The points from the Havasu Heat Race are now posted.

2/4/2013 .... The official website for the up-coming Nationals in Salt Lake City, Utah is now up and running. Click the following link to District 20's website to see it. I've also added a link to this on the Schedule page. http://www.namba20.com/nats2013.html 

1/27/2013 .... For those of you that run out at Legg Lake, Ron Buck found a box with various tools in it left at the lake last weekend (1/20/13). If you have lost such an item please contact Ron Buck at ronbuck1@aol.com

1/26/2013 .... Please see letter regarding new Zenoah coated pistons for upcoming district heat races.

1/14/2013 .... For those of you needing a new key for Legg Lake you can contact anyone on the Legg Lake committee. Contact information for committee members: Kim and Mark Grim 714-890-3127,  and Roger Pane 714-366-3358 (Roger replaced Richard Sekigawa who's taking a break from the committee this year so please don't call him). Reminder keys are $35 and you must show proof of current NAMBA membership. 
Information for the Havasu Heat Race in February is now available from the Schedule page, please be sure to review attached map for updated pit setup instructions.

1/11/2013 .... The lock at Legg Lake was rekeyed today. Kim Grim will be at the lake Sunday with new keys for folks to purchase, proof of current NAMBA membership is required to purchase a key.

1/9/2013 .... The district rules have been updated to reflect the results of the various proposals that passed at the year-end district meeting. Click here to see a summary of the proposals and voting results. 

1/1/2013 .... Happy New Year! There were a few errors in the original posted schedule, which have now been corrected. With the new year comes time for renewing your NAMBA membership which can now be done online with PayPal, go to namba.com under Announcements for details and link.

12/22/2012 .... The schedule for 2013 has been posted, see Schedule page for information.

12/3/2012 .... Message from Steve Lopez: I would like to thank those that have booked their rooms and RSVP'd for the Awards Banquet. For those who are attending the banquet and wish to play, we will be playing our traditional "Gift Game". Exchange items not to exceed $25, bring a gift, play the game. FYI... The room rate code C-MBA12 is still good and will be useable up to the date of our event.

11/24/2012 .... There were a few corrections made to the final year end points, updated version now available.

11/22/2012 .... The annual SCSTA meeting has been rescheduled to Sunday December 2nd at 9:00am, all interested are invited. It will be at 500 Points Drive, Building 10, Suite 400; Brea, CA 92821.

11/14/2012 .... Due to lack of interest this weekend's Shootout has been cancelled. Any questions please contact Ted McKay.

11/13/2012 .... Proposals to be discussed at the year end meeting are now available for download.

11/1/2012 .... Due to a scheduling conflict the SCSTA meeting scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled until future notice.

10/31/2012 .... The annual SCSTA meeting will be held November 3rd, all who are interested are invited. It will be held at 500 Points Drive, Building 10, Suite 400; Brea, CA 92821.

10/22/2012 .... Additional item: The SCSTA points have been updated to include points from the October 14th race.

10/22/2012 .... Reminder for those planning to attend the banquet: For those wishing to to enjoy the entire weekend, the Aquarius Hotel has offered us a special group rate. Call the Hotel @ 1-800-352-6464 and give them the ** C-MBA12  ** group rate number. See flyer for additional information.

10/21/2012 .... As in years past there will be a gift exchange at the banquet, if you want to participate gifts should be in the $20-$25.  

10/12/2012 .... If you plan on attending the year end awards banquet on December 8th in Laughlin please email Steve Lopez at email.stevelopez@verizon.net with the number of attendees you'll have, as we're trying to give the hotel a prelimanry count for dinner.

10/3/2012 .... The year end points are now available.  Also the classes being offered at the next SCSTA race have changed, see race info page for details.

10/2/2012 .... There have been some changes in NAMBA leadership at the national level, please see letter from Ted McKay outlining them.

9/15/2012 .... Hotel information for this year's banquet in Laughlin is now available. Click here to see flyer.

9/2/2012 .... Reminder: Any rule proposals that you'd like voted on at the district meeting in December need to be submitted to Ted McKay by November 1st.

8/30/2012 .... The points have been updated with the results from the H2O Gassers 3 race last weekend.

8/27/2012 .... The SCSTA Muncey race originally scheduled for September 16 has been moved to October 14 and will now be held at Legg Lake.

8/19/2012 .... The SCSTA points have been updated to include the points from their July 29th race.

8/16/2012 .... Points have been updated with results from the Camarillo Pond Rats heat race this last weekend.

8/6/2012 .... List of qualified classess for the upcoming CPR heat race (at Legg Lake) now posted, see Race Info page for details.

7/27/2012 .... Attention: The Camarillo heat race has been moved to Legg Lake due to issues with the Camarillo site. Same date and entry procedures.

7/27/2012 .... The Tech Committee has revised the engine rulings due to the release of new Zenoah engine, see letter for details.

7/27/2102 .... Congratulations to our district members that attended the recent NAMBA Nationals back in New Hampshire, several class wins and records were set by them. You can see the results here. Also congratulations go out to Lenny Blake who was inducted into the Hall Of Hame.

7/5/2012 .... Photos from the Fast Electric Nationals are now posted. They had 3 first time winners that got to take the dive into the lake (including our own Ted McKay and Leonard Feeback).

7/4/2012 .... Points from last weekend's SCSTA race have been posted.

6/25/2012 .... Don Ast asked me to remind folks that there is a SCSTA club race this weekend at Legg Lake. Information for it can be accessed via the link on the Schedule page.

6/12/2012 .... Points have been updated with results from the Pahrump race this last weekend.

6/11/2012 .... Photos from last weekend's heat race in Pahrump are now posted. We got to see a first time winner go for their traditional dip in the lake, a guy make a bad choice of barbers, experience a power outage at the hotel, and food, drinks and music was available at the site for all to enjoy.

5/29/2012 .... The NAMBA Fast Electric Nationals committee is looking for volunteers for dedicated turn marshalls to help Lenny Blake CD the event Wednesday June 20th through Saturday June 23rd which will be held at Legg Lake. Please make contact with David Newland at dnewland49@msn.com is you are interested in assisting with the event. Thank you!

5/29/2012 .... Additional items have been added to the For Sale page.

5/21/2012 .... Results from the voting that took place at the District Meeting last weekend were as follows: proposal from Roger Pane passed unanimously and proposal from Ron Buck failed.

5/12/2012 .... Hotel and camping information for the upcoming Pahrump Heat Race on June 9-10 is now available. Other race details are still pending and will be posted as soon as they are finalized.

5/6/2012 .... Photos from the District 7  West Texas Shootout for Autism Awareness are now available on the Photos page, courtesy of Al Waters.

5/2/2012 .... Schedule change: Our district race scheduled for June 9-10 at Legg Lake is being switched with the Las Vegas race scheduled for August 25-26. The June race will be hosted by the Las Vegas SSMBC and held at Pahrump, NV. The August race will be hosted by the H2O club and held as always at Legg Lake. SSMBC has requested this change because Sunset Lake site will not be available until next year and the temperatures in Pahrump in August would be too warm. Info on the site and rooms will be coming soon.

5/1/2012 .... Reminder that there are 2 proposals that will be voted on at the H2O race May 19th after racing concludes that afternoon. The proposals are listed below (News items 4/8 and 4/11). If your club is not going to attend this race and you wish to vote you need to assign someone to cast your vote. Please let Ted McKay know who that person will be in advance. If you have any questions please email Ted McKay.

4/26/2012 .... Notice from Donald Ast: The scale race scheduled for April 29th is cancelled. To those that entered thank you for your support.

4/16/2012 .... Points have been updated to included information from this weekend's race in Tucson.

4/15/2012 .... The proposal submitted and posted here on 4/11 has been removed and resubmitted with some chagnes, click here to see the new proposal for voting on at the May H2O Heat Race.

4/11/2012 .... Additional proposal for meeting at May H2O Heat Race.

4/8/2012 .... See letter from the District Director discussing the meeting that was initially planned for the March heat race weekend.  A meeting is planned for the H20 Heat Race in May, where we will be voting on the resubmitted proposal.  The District Rules have been updated to include the previous rulings / guidelines from Engine Tech Comittee and District Director to date.

4/6/2012 .... Zenoah EZ Start and NGK plug now allowed for Classic Thunderboat, see letter for details.

4/4/2012 ... Important notice for those boaters using the Legg Lake facility: Please read the following letter from the Legg Lake Committee regarding an on-going issue with parking in the park.

4/2/2012 .... The 2 Lap record event in May has been expanded to a 3 day event, and the Straight Line record event in October has been moved from the weekend of 12th-14th to 5th-7th. The Schedule page has been updated accordingly.

3/27/2012 .... Points have been updated to include last weekend's heat race in LA.

3/21/2012 .... Reminder: To sell items at Legg Lake you need a "park sales permit". We've been told that the parks department will be checking for them this weekend.

3/15/2012 .... A link to the schedule for the NAMBA Nationals has been added to the Schedule page.

3/13/2012 .... IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Due to the storm that is scheduled to hit the LA area this weekend, H2O Gassers have postponed the race scheduled for this weekend to March 24th and 25th. We hope you can still attend but if you are unable to you will not be responsible for the entry fees. If you can not attend please send an email cancelling your entries so that the heat sheets can be updated. No new entries are being allowed. 

3/12/2012 .... List of final qualifying classes for the upcoming race is now available.

3/11/2012 .... New "Next Race" link added to the top of News page, providing you a quick link to all the information for that race. The new race info page includes the link to the "Entries so far", current weather at the race location, and the email to enter the race.
3/4/2012 .... For Sale page updated with new items.

2/24/12 .... The penalties for running an illegal motor have been created and documented, please see letter from the District Director discussing the specifics. If you have any questions about he legality of your motor please contact one of the members of the Engine Tech Committee (see Contact page for their information).

2/23/12 .... For those interested in attending the SAW/Straight Line event next weekend, you need to pre-enter for the event. See Race information sheet on the Schedule page.

2/15/12 .... As discussed at the Havasu race the District Director has changed the entry deadline rule, as well as implemented a process for Non Year-end District Meetings - see document for details.  There is also a proposal up for vote at the next district heat race (H2O Gassers 1- March 17) which will follow the Non Year-end Meeting process mentioned above. Only current District 19 clubs will be able to vote on this proposal. The meeting will occur Saturday after the conclusion of racing at the lake.

2/5/12 .... For those attending the Heat Race in Havasu, the pizza vendor that was there last year would be back again this year at lunch time.

1/31/12 .... For those attending the Heat Race in Havasu on Feb 10-11, please read the following in regards to the Pit Gate Entrance procedure for bringing your equipment into the race site.

1/29/12 .... The For Sale page is back. Items will remain on the page for 30 days or until we've been notified that the item has sold. To have items added to the page, send email with specifics.

1/22/12 .... New Zenoah carburetor okay for Classic Thunderboat, see letter for details.

1/19/12 .... Cyndy Whipps, a valued Tucson Model Boat Club member passed away yesterday from cancer. Cyndy was very active in their club, CD'ing club races and helping Richard Romero at the CD table during district races. Cyndy was a great help and will be missed.

1/16/12 .... I would like to thank Jimmy Cortright for helping us get our new district website up and running so that I could manage it on a day to day basis.

1/16/12 .... The Legg Lake Committee has just re-keyed the locks. Keys are $35 and proof of current NAMBA membership, contact the Grims at 714-890-3127.

1/15/12 .... The entry form for Havasu's Heat Race has been updated with information on where to send entries, see Schedule page for race information/entry form as well as the link to email in your entries. 

1-13-12 .... New engine tech committee appointed, see letter for details. Also note we have posted a link to the new WebEntry program on the schedule for TEST purposes only at this time.

1-5-12 .... Hotel information for the Havasu Heat Race has been added to their entry form. Other race infomation is still pending and will be updated as soon as available. 

12-21-11 .... We have photos from the banquet up on the website for viewing. 
12-15-11 .... The updated rules and schedule for 2012 have been posted to the website. Besides the modifications of various rules from the proposals voted on at the district meeting the rules themselves have be reorganized so that rules on similar topics are grouped together to make it easier to find. As information is received from the various clubs hosting races in 2012 we will update the schedule with links to the entry information for each.

12-01-11 .... For those of you planning to attend this year's District Meeting and/or Banquet in Laughlin on December 10th, the meeting will start at 11:00am and for the banquet cocktails will be at 6:00pm and dinner at 6:45pm.

11-29-11 .... Russ Stark will be having a raffle at the banquet to benefit the Marines toy drive, similar to the one he had at the World Cup race in Las Vegas back in October. If interested bring a toy to the banquet to receive a raffle ticket for 3 different prizes.

11-22-11 .... Insane Boats is having their annual raffle to raise money to help donate bikes to the Local VFW's Annual Bike Give Away in Pico Rivera, click here to see full details of the raffle.

11-21-11 .... If you are planning on attending this year's annual awards banquet, please email Russ Stark with the number of people that will be attending so that he can provide final numbers to the hotel as soon as possible. Also there will be a gift exchange at the banquet like last year, if you'd like to participate gifts should be in the $20 range - just bring the wrapped gift to the banquet.

11-17-11 .... Ted McKay is looking for a volunteer to be the District Nitro Chairman for next year. Anyone interested should email him or talk to him this weekend at the Shootout.

11-10-11 …. Click here to see a list of the various classes and contestants that will be running at the Shootout, which will be held at Legg Lake on November

11-10-11 …. There is an updated set of rule proposals for this year’s meeting. Proposal 18 in the original document was missing a sentence at the end – this has been corrected, also there were 2 proposals left out of the original – they have been added as proposals 20 & 21. All the other proposals are the same as previously posted, sorry for the confusion.

11-8-11 …. Here are the various rule proposals that will be discussed at this year’s district meeting in Laughlin on December 10. For those clubs eligible to vote at the meeting, please review and discuss them with your club members ahead of time. If for some reason you feel that a specific proposal may be missing from this list, please contact Russ Stark and if need be he can forward the additional proposal on for posting as needed.

11-4-11 …. The 2011 final SCSTA points standings are now available, which include the totals for Classic Thunderboat from the World Cup race last weekend.

11-2-11 .... Welcome to the newly designed NAMBA District 19 Website. The new site is still under construction so check back for updates. If you have any questions or concerns with the site, please contact Tracy Osborne at tracylo@msn.com.

10-11-2011 .... The NAMBA Propwash for October is now available online on the NAMBA web site. Enjoy the reading with the new page flipping program. You should have also received your voting ballots for NAMBA President, NAMBA Vice President, and District 19 Director. It is your opportunity to be heard. Please vote.

10-10-2011 .... More information is available for the upcoming District 19 Meeting and Awards Banquet. Please click HERE.

10-06-2011 .... The annual meeting will be at Harrah's in Laughlin, Nevada on December 10th, 2011. Rooms will be $29.99 a night and dinner will be $20.00.
We will be making some very big changes to the way our district will race next year. Everyone that is interested should get their club dues paid up and come out to vote.
The Shootout will be on November 19th. Send a message to me at rstark372@aol.com and let me know if your participating.
All district rule proposals need to be submitted by October 31, 2011. They will be posted on the district web site for everyone to read on November 1, 2011

10-05-2011 .... And we have photos from the BBQ and awards ceremony from the Justin Hill Memorial Race this past weekend.

10-04-2011 .... The 2011 final points standings are now available after the Justin Hill Memorial Race hosted by SMB held in Tempe this past weekend.
Contact your appropriate chairman if you are interested in participating in the Top Gun Shootout in November at Legg Lake.

10-03-2011 .... This e-mail came in from Henery Velasco... I was just informed this morning by his daughter that Russ Jackson (former owner of RC Boat works) passed away Sunday. Russ and I where good friends and we kept in touch often -- I will miss him and our conversations


District 19
