District 19


1/29/2025 .... The points from this weekend's first district race in Havasu are now available. 

12/22/2024 ... Next year's schedule and updated district rules have now been uploaded to the website for review. Individual proposal results from the district meeting held are viewable here along with notes on any updates that were made during the meeting.  

11/21/2024 ... Reminder: District 19 Meeting and Banquet – 2024 Registration:
If you are planning to attend our 2024 District 19 Meeting and Banquet, please be sure to enter your registration this week at www.namba.com (RES). The NAMBA portal will be closing this Sunday, 11/24/2024, at 2:00 PM for our annual year-end rollover. The portal will reopen on 12/1/2024.
Please note, if you wish to register after 12/1/2024, you will need to renew your NAMBA membership first.
For any issues with the hotel’s group code, please contact the hotel directly at 702-298-5111 and provide them with the group code GRNAM24. I look forward to seeing you at the event.
Safe travels!
Richard Romero

11/14/2014 .. The proposals for review and voting on at our year-end meeting are now available.

​11/11/2014 ... Year-end Meeting and Banquet Information:
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, December 14th, 2024, at the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin, Nevada. The meeting will be held in the Gemini rooms from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or until all business has been discussed. Happy hour and dinner will take place in the Gemini rooms. Happy Hour starts at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. and the award presentation. After the award ceremony, we will have our White Elephant Gift Exchange. If you wish to participate, please bring a wrapped gift valued at $30.00 or less.
Room Information:
We have 25 rooms available on Friday and Saturday. Friday's rate is $78.00, with a $21.00 resort fee + tax, and Saturday’s rate is $89.00, with a $21.00 resort fee + tax.  Use Group Code GRNAM24 when reserving your rooms. The cut-off date is Friday, November 29, 2024, which is (14) fourteen days before the arrival date.
To sign up:

- Please go to our NAMBA Race Entry System @ www.namba.com
- When entering the meeting, please use the following - District 19 Meeting (No Charge) for a single person. If you bring another NAMBA member, use “District 19 Meeting Additional Person (No Charge)”.
- When entering the banquet, please use the following - “Awards Dinner” for a single person. If you're bringing a guest, use “A Second Banquet Ticket”. Use “A Third Banquet Ticket” for a third guest. Use “A Fourth Banquet Ticket” for a fourth guest.
- Each dinner ticket costs $50.00 per plate. A charge will appear for your meeting entries upon entry, but there is no charge for the meeting itself. Please understand meal tickets will not be sold at the event.

11/11/2024... The year-end points have been updated to include the summary by driver showing, added to the end of the points by class listing. 

10/29/2024 ... Reminder: Proposals for this year's year-end meeting are due this Friday. Please send any proposals that you'd like to have reviewed and voted on to Richard Romero. 

10/28/2024 .... The points from this weekend's final district race in Tucson are now available, congratulations to all of this year's winners.  




Fun, Fun, & More Fun!

Upcoming Races:     Under

                  3/1-3/2  Los Angeles, CA

                  NAMBA Nationals


RC Model Boat Racing in Arizona, Southern California, Southern Nevada, and Southern Utah